At Pleasant View Middle School, our PTSA helps by providing volunteers for school and PTSA events, fund raising for supplemental and enrichment activities, organizing events to promote a sense of school community, parent education, and family fun!
During a typical school year, these are just some of the resources and events Pleasant View PTSA organizes and/or supports:
Open House
Membership Drive
Spirit Wear
Book Fairs
Support of Parent/Family Involvement
Support of Specials Guests/Inspirational Speakers
Outstanding Educator & Helping Hands
Reflections Art Show
Family Social Night
Teacher Meals on Conference Nights
Two $500 High School Graduate Scholarships for PVMS Alumni
Staff Appreciation Week
8th Grade Dance
M.A.C.K. Award
Research shows students do better when their families are involved at home and at school. Grades are higher, test scores rise, self-esteem grows, and schools improve. For more information about Pleasant View Middle School PTSA, visit our Facebook page at: and/or contact one of the officers below.
Meetings are held in the Multi Media Center at 6 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month, September through May. Please join us!
PTSA Officers
President Chelsi Ulrich
Vice President Brittany Sturgill
Treasurer Nikki Snell
Secretary Amy Berry
General PTSA email:
Know a family in need?
San the code for more information!